> that sounds pretty interesting
I mean it's a very basic idea tbh, it's just that I've finally gotten excessively tired of being zoomerbrained and not being able to focus for prolonged periods of time.
> i might give the livesplit idea a try
You can actually use any software that tracks your window usage, I use livesplit mostly because I know I will tab into the code editor and do absolutely fuckall so instead of doing that I just turn it on only if I can say I'm focused at it, not whatever else I could be thinking about. I still obviously count the time I spend thinking about it and not only the time I'm typing but I definitely do not count the time when I'm just tabbed in and actually doing something else entirely.
Sometimes I even track the time I spend looking through the documentation too, I just absolutely make sure to pause it whenever I tab out into anything that is not getting me closer towards the goal (whatever you will set, for me it's obviously finishing the rewrite of this piece of crap (it's actually going pretty well))