thumbnail of 6968865433629871365.mp4
thumbnail of 6968865433629871365.mp4
6968865433... mp4
(5.39 MB, 576x1024 h264)
> given how cool Kaiki Deishuu is and how muscular Arararagi Koyomi is
I see, you're Kaikimaxxing today (lying through your teeth)
Also it's Araragi.
> oh yeah, the 11 degree and torrential rain has me SWEATING
You're laughing but whenever there's rain here it doesn't actually get better. Even if it's a few degrees colder the humidity is killing me, not even taking into account that if it rains during evening I can't even open my windows because all the bugs from the general vicinity will get in and ruin my sleep even more.
It's truly impossible though. He's a modern philosopher, a true reneissance man. His videos shalt be studied by generations to come.

They call me Hermit, the Frog :)