Just experienced my best rizz ever in a dream like 5 minutes ago
> Dreamt that I was bouldering with my parents
> Just chilling, climbing around when my mom runs up in a panic saying that we gotta GTFO a terrorist attack just blew up the Mario store*
> We start making our way out when I suddenly realize that I borrowed a climbing shirt* and have to hand it in to the cashier. Tell the cashier "Almost forgot to hand this in" and start unbuttoning it
> The decently cute cashier, a girl that looks like one of my classmates, responds to me "(haha) Yeah, that wouldn't have been great"
> As I hand the shirt over I say "It was almost the 2nd worst thing that happened today" and she breaks up in laughter
Holy rizz. The text doesnt portray how crazy strong it was, you just had to be there