thumbnail of demon eyes.png
thumbnail of demon eyes.png
demon eyes png
(1015.15 KB, 1080x1920)
thumbnail of demon eyes.gif
thumbnail of demon eyes.gif
demon eyes gif
(1.33 MB, 245x200)
thumbnail of 144091BA40680B14E9B01291C49981AF_video_dashinit.mp4
thumbnail of 144091BA40680B14E9B01291C49981AF_video_dashinit.mp4
144091BA40... mp4
(1.62 MB, 720x1280 h264)
In that last frame, her eyes are all black (from the lighting) but it reminds me of the TV show supernatural. Whenever someone is possessed by a demon, their eyes go all black and murky.

I am also attaching proof of this, with a gif from the show.

And a video of Asra cosplaying a character from supernatural.