thumbnail of 2023-06-01_01-47-19_UTC_2.jpg
thumbnail of 2023-06-01_01-47-19_UTC_2.jpg
2023-06-01_01-47-19_U... jpg
(98.74 KB, 1235x931)
you typod highlights in the nemuru command so you might miss out on some stuff there
I dont use gallery-dl but if its better (and more intuitive than instaloader (proper shite)) then I might swap over to it if I need to scrape more  instaloader is so ridiculously gobshite whenever you run a new "scan" to download stuff it goes down the line on every post theyve ever made and check once again if it has already downloaded it, even with a flag saying "only since last scan". ends up being like 20 requests where it checks the first image, "already downloaded", goes  to the next post, checks the first image, "already downloaded", and so on until it finally goes "ok there are no new posts. lets check highlights (and does that whole cycle for the first 2 images in each highlight), then goes onto stories and downloads the one (1) picture that was uploaded there. ridiculous that it even works at all