thumbnail of 7382465292091362592 g’morning🤍_264.mp4
thumbnail of 7382465292091362592 g’morning🤍_264.mp4
7382465292... mp4
(19.61 MB, 720x1280 h264)
> wake up
> new reki
> it says g'morning
yep, she says it's gonna be a good morning so the last... 30 minutes of my morning will shirley be good.

life is wonderful
etc etc
I need a new thing to say, ironically by always calling life wonderful, I have stripped the phrase of it's wonder and it's moxie and its whimsy.

Life is.... Hella Weird.
one of the best snoozeus, no tummy, no ass shaking, just pure SOVL (soul is written with a V for Vendetta)