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thumbnail of 5 facts about merula.jpg
5 facts about merula jpg
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I'm not going to be suckered into being mean to a neko. I love life, life is wonderful. I will now post things I love.
This is a really good post and a good drawing neko. Take a +6 from me.
I actually quite like this song, when I worked at a pharmacy and they had the radio on constantly this song was always on the radio so it's successfully surgeried and brainwormed into my head.

Those kind of walls are cool too, but I don't recognise the Manga. Any nekos here know what it is?
I find the audio ironic because she is singing "You so clean" whilst, of course, funkertron is covered in ketchup.
He's pretty handsome, ngl if I looked like this, life would be wonderful indeed.
ngl if I looked like this, life would be wonderful indeed.