thumbnail of 7383592152065936648_h264nv.mp4
thumbnail of 7383592152065936648_h264nv.mp4
7383592152... mp4
(19.67 MB, 2160x3840 h264)
Lmao, both of you are running such an old version of ffmpeg.
But I guess it's fine as long as you don't get the corner cases like I do.
Well there's always an option of dropping tsuki from the list of my fus and running an old ffmpeg version but I think I'll actually try to edit my script for once and fix every single stupid issue that has cropped up over time.
Also I can actually crunch saya toks into a manageable bitrate with that hardware codec and it doesn't look that bad (original 80 megs) (well it might look bad if you actually have a 4k screen to watch it at)