thumbnail of 7352330308647226630 era  pra eu gravar o glitter do meu cabelo ;;-; realidade gravei eu derrubando tudo no chao e meu cabelo frito-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7352330308647226630 era  pra eu gravar o glitter do meu cabelo ;;-; realidade gravei eu derrubando tudo no chao e meu cabelo frito-264.mp4
7352330308... mp4
(4.22 MB, 1080x1920)
> All of my close friends are doing neuropsychiatric assessments to find out of they have ADHD
I always used to think that the only people I could be friends with had to be a little special since that was the type of person I fit the best with but given that I also suspect that I have ADHD, maybe it was just that I could only get along with other ADHD-fiends all along