thumbnail of 7387262069646609669_h264.mp4
thumbnail of 7387262069646609669_h264.mp4
7387262069... mp4
(9.11 MB, 1080x1920 h264)
> though I quickly went back to normal torrents because of how jank it was with buffering due to this
You can actually do this in any regular torrent client (or at least in qbit). Just apply download sequentially and download first and last parts first to the torrent and you can actually watch the movie while downloading for most files.
> spoiler
My man, I am on torrented windows, none of the software I have installed on my computer is paid for unless it's freeware, and I don't think I've ever paid more than 2-3$ for a game (so whatever I want to play and is outside of this pricerange: pirated).
If my computer ever finds its way to the authorities I'd have to pay a gigantic fine. Thankfully I do not do sus stuff so they don't care enough.
Actually there's a decent alternative for people from stringent torrent law countries for gog games AFAIK they're safe since I've downloaded plenty from it but you know, I can't vouch for it truly since I don't host it.
Just join them and have fun too neko :) Just be social :)