This is all a fully-pronged sword into the central operating location of the opposition. Opposition to whom, you might ask? Ask, and you shall receive the answer--a reckless bunch who want not only WW3 kicked off as soon as possible (before elections, before the eclipse, even) because current operations aren't occurring with enough headway. Thus this reckless bunch that may appear easy to identify but hard to connect dots to one another.

Russia has recently corrected the record and claimed openly that due to the most recent push into Ukraine by US-led troops (and the good ol' boy allies) towards sovereign Russian territory that WW3 is now underway, or is at least hot in the beginning stages. Cloak and dagger strategies are now in place, including one at a distance with Ukraine, and now a "terror cell" collectivizing in Moscow, a main financial district of Russia. This is pushing buttons beyond what can be drawn back, and once the final ones occur will induce a massive blowback on countries involved, spawning a fallout of citizens in home countries soon to potentially be accounted for in obituaries. This is the war in which to erase debt insolvency, a massive death ritual designed to mask the action of pushing debt cattle off the cliff and fleecing them at the last minute, collecting all the money that has never been touched (Social Security, pensions, etc.)

Unless there is a stuxnet on steroids event to occur with this cadre of fools, there are repercussions pending that bring the Sixth Great Mass Extinction event to a head.