You may not like what I have to say, perhaps, but consider the fact we as civilians are all under diabolical levels of psychological warfare and 24/7 State-sponsored propaganda/censorship campaigns today. I've suggested this once before, perhaps it is time once again considering that fact. Maybe it is time we flip their propagandist narratives against them, the Jews? Every time they call us "Nazis" or "fascists" or "white supremacists" maybe we start calling them the same thing? After all it is a type of psychological warfare that works so well against anyone speaking the truth, so why not turn all the same slander back onto those liars and propagandists? If anything it might work to neutralize the meaning of their slander making public division and hostility against us much less effective in the long-run? If we were to trial-run it and it worked to shift the public perspective I would say all is fair when it comes to information warfare.