> At least Europe's economy could recover

True, if Europe can accept the loss of a proxy war and stop being vassal states of the US Empire they could recover and eventually thrive economically. There would need to be some political reforms in Europe for sure though, including securing their borders.

> Europe might be where Americans will move to in the coming hyperinflation.

I would not move to Europe in the state they are currently in today for several reasons. #1 they have next to no free speech, you can be jailed for having different opinions over there. #2 no right to self-defense or gun ownership. #3 the illegal migration invasion problem is worse over there than the US simply because Europe is far smaller and those countries cannot absorb all those foreigners making Europe far more dangerous if SHTF. As of right now preppers in America are still far better off especially if they have the skills to become more self-sufficient and rely less on corporations and government.