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US Fake 'Economy' Will Continue To Collapse As Lying Propagandists Will Tell You Everything Is Fine

One idea has become abundantly clear over the last four years: You can’t add 41% to the money supply and expect inflation to remain “transitory.”

But that’s exactly what the Fed did over two years, after which President Biden picked up the ball in January 2021 and ran with it.

The result has come to be known in the online media as “Bidenomics,” and it hasn’t worked out very well for most Americans. In fact, according to a Redfin survey, people are making major financial sacrifices just to live at a basic level. Economics Research Lead Chen Zhao said:

“Housing has become so financially burdensome in America that some families can no longer afford other essentials, including food and medical care, and have been forced to make major sacrifices, work overtime and ask others for money so they can cover their monthly costs.”

Even worse, some Americans have resorted to skipping meals just to afford their overly-inflated mortgage payments:

“Nearly one in five homeowners and renters reported skipping meals to afford housing in Biden’s economy, according to a new survey conducted by Redfin. The median asking rental price increased from less than $1,700 when Biden took office in January 2021 to nearly $2,000 as of February, according to Redfin’s data.”

But it’s not just housing prices and mortgage payments that have apparently inflated out of control under the Biden regime.

Grocery prices have become a heavy financial burden for many families, with prices overall rising over 40%. Some items cost 50-80% more today than four years ago.

Headlines are often misleading. “Food inflation” would mean that food gets bigger. “Food price inflation” is what they’re really talking about. I doubt this article is trying to trick anyone with a New York Times-style inflation con, but words are important! The food did not inflate; food prices went up because the money supply inflated.

Think about this the next time you hear a talking head cheer because “Inflation is only 3.5% now!”

But what those same talking heads fail to acknowledge are the real-world impacts of rising costs of living on the average family, only some of which are revealed above.

That’s probably the main reason why people call price inflation “the tax no one votes for.”