Russia has deployed 11 nuclear submarines into the Atlantic Ocean.  Each submarine carries from 6  to16, and in some cases up to 32 missiles, each of which may hold from six to ten nuclear warheads.

This deployment means that a cautious estimate proves there are now around 1000 warheads on Russian submarines that can be headed toward the US east coast, or perhaps the Gulf of Mexico.

This deployment comes just days after "Ukraine" (or more likely a NATO country) attacked and either damaged or destroyed TWO SEPARATE Russian Over-the-Horizon (OTH) nuclear missile warning radar stations in southern Russia.

When these stations were hit, the lack of radar coverage put a "hole" in Russia's nuclear protection.  

When those radars were operational, Russia would have between 14 and 16 MINUTES advance warning that nuclear missiles were coming at their country.  Now that those radar are destroyed, if a submarine launched missile was fired from with the eastern Mediterranean  Sea, almost anywhere in the Red Sea, in the Gulf of Arabia or from south of the country of Somalia on the African continent, Russia will only have ten to twelve minutes warning, likely less.

The absence of time to think things through, might end up causing the Russians to launch their nuclear weapons in response to something coming at them.

There's a reason Russia is sending 11 nuclear submarines into the Atlantic; I think it's because they will have to hit the U.S.

This is what the nitwits in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the illegitimate President, Joe Biden, have done for us.  Their decisions to meddle in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and their constant "upping the ante" with Russia have now resulted in today's deployment of subs from Russia into the Atlantic.  Likely heading to U.S. firing positions.

You folks who voted Biden because "Orange man bad" deserve exactly what may be coming.