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> we're going to find out that Hitler had it easy
Apolitical doesn't know what he's talking about. Hitler was starving and sleeping on a park bench, getting the only food he could from August Kubizek. The majority of his family had been killed with their lives excused away by jewish doctors. He walked door to door for 13 years to rally people to the cause of restoring Germany. When he took office, he remarked he felt trapped and owned by the fame and position. Numerous offers of peace were sent to allied nations but ignored. After traitors of his own party tried to blow him up, the explosion unsettled his nerves. Theodor Morell then lied and said Adolf would die any minute, offering "medicine" that any doctor would tell you is an insane amount of poison. He was gassed in WW1 causing blindness, and fools then spread the lie he resorted to gas. Which makes no sense, but retards who couldn't accomplish elementary school math to understand it's impossible continued to believe it to this day. In the end with the Bolsheviks advancing, he didn't wish to die the same way Mussolini was murdered.

Starving until you're nothing but skin stretched over bones is not going to be easy.