Rumors are having it, Parkinson's disease.... the White House has to release all their visitation on a regular basis and one of the people visiting the White House over the last couple years happened to be a neurologist... a neurologist who happened to specialize in Parkinson's disease.

I personally knew someone with Parkinson's disease and it is horrible. It is genetic and 50/50 chance you have it from a parent or grandparent who previously suffered from it. It is a slow and steady eating away of the brain mass. It does not completely cripple you or kill you, initially. It starts to impact you as you get older, usually past the age of 50. It starts slow and it gets worse, first impacting memory, then basic cognitive functions and speech (Biden's phase), eventually turning the person retarded and last stage into a total vegetable. It looks like Biden is in mid-stage already. He won't be able to speak within the next 4 to 5 years. Then he'll be bound in a wheelchair, dead within the next 10 years I predict. Biden's kin should consider being tested for it. They may have it, may not, it's a 50/50 chance.