On 22 November 1963, this report continues, the British newspaper Cambridge News got an anonymous call 25 minutes before the assassination of President John Kennedy, about which a memo from CIA Specials Operations Director James Angleton to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover revealed: “The caller said only that the Cambridge News reporter should call the American Embassy in London for some big news and then hung up”—an anonymous call followed by all of the phones in Washington D.C. going dead is what is known as the “Sinister Phone Outage”—and is a history worth remembering because yesterday, at about 5:30 p.m., a mysterious power outage at the Baltimore Washington Airport stopped all air traffic into and out of Washington D.C.
Around 45 minutes after all air travel into and out of Washington D.C. was halted, this report details, witnesses at a massive Trump Rally in in Pennsylvania saw a man climbing a nearby roof armed with a rifle and screamed to police “He’s got a gun!”—a real life Gangsta’s Paradise moment then quickly followed when a fusillade of bullets began falling upon rally attendees in an assassination massacre that killed one, critically injured two others, and wounded President Trump—and the now dead “lined in chalk” assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had his 20-year-old head blown apart by a Secret Service sniper.
Following President Trump living out in real life the Gangsta’s Paradise lyric: “As they croak, I see myself in the pistol smoke”, this report notes, his fellow global peace maker Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared: “My thoughts and prayers are with President Donald Trump in these dark hours”—Argentine President Javier Milei, whom socialists branded “Argentina’s Trump”, posted the message: “I hope for the fast recovery for President Trump and that the elections in the United States occur in a just, peaceful, and democratic manner... The little politically correct leftists are all cut from the same cloth, it doesn’t matter where in the world you look... When in society a deviant adjective appears, there they will be to label their opponents with that adjective... We have several of these sinister beings in the country who can count on their journalist accomplices”—and the world’s richest and smartest man Elon Musk proclaimed: “I fully endorse President Trump and hope for his rapid recovery... The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign”.