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New Windows Bloatware Botnet Crashes, Leaving Millions Of Users Offline

MY COMMENT: This is what you get for using new shitty bloated botnet Windows operating systems! If I were running a company I'd have people using either Linux, and those who want to use Windows would be forced to pick between Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 but nothing newer than 7 SP1 with auto-updates turned OFF using Sys Admin tools, and auto-update CLSID removed from the system registry!!! Run Process Explorer and suspend any unnecessary bloatware running in the background of the system too (the main PIDs that should be running are svchost, lsass, lsm, dwm, csrss (and conhost when connected online), wininit, winlogon and explorer (plus any software you are currently running!) As for Microsoft Office, fuck that, just use Libre Office instead, it's open source and free!! Replace IE with Librewolf too, install the Matrix XPI and learn how it works for extra security!