My twenty four hour strategy advice would be dont go, dont get pulled into some bullshit like that one dumbfuck with a samurai sword who goes out to confront BLM and gets wrecked....DUDE, see how much anyone gave a shit that you were so brave during BLM/Muslim cuntaface3d destructive paid for wave?? But we will never for get you and your code of hopeless bushido lol.
Seriously though when they pull last minute stunts like this, it means that ALL THE COUNTY AUTHORITIES ARE IN ON IT so dont go to prison.
SECOND it would be good to always remember our brother, combat veteran Derek Chauvin who is stabbed weekly in prison and is always fighting for his life.
Third, I would say confront logically and verbally your local chief of police (municipal:staute law) and the head sheriff (county:common law) and do so as truly court is being held when you speak to them. HOLD COURT WHERE YOU STAND, CALL THE ANGELS TO HJEAR YOUR QUESTIONS TO THESE SHITTY AUTHORITIES.
Be safe my friend.