Given the fact that the US is now $35 TRILLION in debt, and that debt is now growing by $1 TRILLION more every 100 days or so, it is now mathematically impossible for the United States to financially survive.

As such, they NEED a massive war to blame the coming financial collapse on.  They can't allow the collapse to happen in a manner where THEY get blamed; they have to have some other excuse to point-to . . . . and nuclear war is the only solution that fits their need.

Americans THINK they're safe across the ocean, but they're not.

Moreover, once our cities are smashed and our people are killed in such a war, the politicians who caused all this by over-spending for decades, think they'll get to slither out of their nuclear bunkers, and tell the Bankers "Our cities are smashed, our people are dead, there's no way we can repay you, we need debt forgiveness."  And they actually think they'll still be able to be in-power once they get tens of millions of us killed!

Between what the politicians have done, and are doing in Ukraine against Russia, and what they have done and are doing with Bankrupting the United States, there is simply no possibility they WON'T cause World War 3 because they NEED us dead to ask for debt forgiveness.

The state-run media is utterly failing to report  *ANY*  of this to the general public and as such, millions of us are being setup to be killed in a nuclear war that our own elected officials intentionally set up to get THEMSELVES out of the trouble they've caused, but our people don't know it because the media is bought-and-paid-for by the politicians doing all these things.

I have now told you the truth.  You'd better be ready because, by most accounting, this thing has to kick off before the November elections.  The powers-that-be know if Trump wins, ALL their plans for war to get out of debt, will be thwarted.  Why do you think they tried to kill him?

Of course, the mass media did report that the Shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, used encrypted communications programs with connections in Germany, Belgium and New Zealand, but what they DIDN'T TELL YOU, was that the Belgium encrypted comms, used a server at... NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.  GEE. What a coincidence....
