thumbnail of Trump is Ashkenazi.jpg
thumbnail of Trump is Ashkenazi.jpg
Trump is Ashkenazi jpg
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Yeah, I don't give a damn about whatever papers he might have taken from the White House. Democrats are squealing for their way to stay in because they want to keep receiving those sweet AIPAC bribes. But as long as we're talking about the subject of criminality:
UN General Assembly resolution 96 (I)
> Article I provides the important clarification that genocide can be committed “in time of peace or in time of war”,
> distinguishing it from crimes against humanity, about which there was still, in 1948, much doubt about its application absent an armed conflict.

> The crime of genocide is defined in article II, the provision that sits at the heart of the Convention. 
> Genocide is a crime of intentional destruction of a national, ethnic, racial and religious group, in whole or in part. 

> Article III lists four additional categories of the crime of genocide in addition to perpetration as such. 
> One of these, complicity, is virtually implied in the concept of perpetration and derives from general principles of criminal law.

This con-artist kike oompa loompa, and not only him but pretty much all Republicans and Democrats, is complicit in the ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians. Which is an international crime. Though not enforced because the U.N. is pathetic.

I feel I should make something abundantly clear. On this board, the position is "News & Current Events + Happenings + Fuck off jews". This implies all jews.

Every single one of them are rat bastard lying pieces of shit. No matter the political party. No matter the precious lies a jew tells this time that he never fulfilled last time. Fuck. Them. All.