Their Jihadists are already killing and raping innocent Syrians anon, it's really evil, horrible times for Syria. I feel very bad for them, yet here we are again, the world closing their eyes to all the evil as if nothing has happened. And you are RIGHT! This will continue to happen until some nation, whether it be Russia or China or whomever, decides to put an end to this evil once and for all. Probably won't be the USSA or Europe because we are ruled by neo-con Zionist war pigs. I have no doubt if they had their way the whole world would be suffering the same fate as Syria (except for their beloved Demagogue Israel, heaven forbid the "CHOSEN ONES"!!!).
Anyway, no matter what happens, prepare for the worst as best you can and stay out of the front lines of their wars. I have a feeling the world is about to get ugly, hopefully it won't come to our own soil. If it does, fight for your own family and property and nothing more.