Wow what a disgrace our military commanders are.  The bottom of the barrel, and it took all their ancestors work for them to have this stage to fail so gloriously on.  I can't respect one person in power, not one cop, not one sgt or lt or colonel, I have zero respect for anyone in authority.  And that's okay, because I am good at forming my own right path based on logic and an impressive library of the right works, and never needing a god damned cop or soldier or politician, ever, once in my life, nor have I ever needed a banker.  So, for us, probably, we are a thousand times more mentally prepared for this muslim/JEW false front ooga booga bullshit.  I do feel bad for the crushed white folks but "stay away from niggers and gatherings of them" would have worked as an obvious piece of good training, that sadly they didnt get as kids. 
"ISIS can be useful for us" - Benny the Jew and his Mossad Crew Too