I know that and you know that but our users may not know that, and anyway copilot is a more dangerous shit tool of the jew because it's not just an LLM its an software engineer babysat amalgam of LLM and thus it needs to be targeted as I did and its flawed jew logic identified.  but this conversation is useful in its content, not the inanity of the jewbot "copilot" but more that I am giving the logic path of debts of nations to supranational corporations and cartels and then to the specific cunts and their cunt corporation who have immunity to legal prosecution.  Also those models you offered seem okay but are conversational and storytelling LLM.  I will check into them, i use llama 3 and dolphin-mistral a lot these days...My point is this: INTL bullshit ends when we all start referencing the same bullshit put out by jews.  Copilot is the same cunt in Argentina.  So I am glad I pasted the above.  Also "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" might not be known to Argentines and it is a key text for our time.  Im able to use LLM locally myself to answer any needs or gioals I might personally have but sinking copilot and kikerosoft should be the main agenda imo.