...You are correct however that copilot is jew shit.  But there are two aspects to my post above that I wanted to clarify.  
1: the logical three step path I took, three questions: a: can a nation by going in debt, have its citizens get fucked up by the people who hold that debt, b: Are there supra-national organizations and c: are there people and corporations who are protected from being sued the fuck into prison or debt state themselves.  Those three questions, by any honest person or government can be replicated against ANY LLM or collection of these.  PARTICULARLY can this set of prompts be used against humans as well, and in all languages and in all nations.  ...And 
2: I pasted it to this thread because this is how we are going to defeat kikerosoft and bill shit-for-brains gates (whose org is the center of this evil).  We will defeat them by throwing the same, lock tight prompts at any humans OR AI whom we face, no matter what the language or context.  A boiled down version of these prompts above could be a boilerplate we could translate into two hundred languages like the god damned mormons or JW do.  To have a tight set of three questions that pertain to our time, is a nice template of hot coals to roast the stupid upon, logically and argumentatively, and so thats why I pasted it.
I also applaud your mention of "pillar" configurations of models such that the output of one, is then processed by the next, and so forth.  Naturally this would allow less errors in the model as its output would be filtered and checked by further different models.  You are correct that this is the future of these LLM but now is the time for us to agree upon what prompt is truly likely to break its brain?  The average person will now be able to smell an LLM fraud due to its answers on Adolf, for example.  An interesting idea for another thread perhaps?
I use comfyui and ollama and yes you can get an LLM to say anything but you would be surprised at what some of them have locked away inside.  I can get censored LLM to provide uncensored content, so for me that part is more fun these days.  I sort of look at it like poking the LLM with a stick to hear it babble shit that betrays its entire desire on the part of the creators,m ha ha ha thats the fun part.  So now is the time for us to all agree on a set of forks we can poke the LLM with and compare data.  I think this thread is a good one for this talk because Argentina was dear to those who thought correctly in Adolf's day.  And this means it will be a big part of the better future for Earth, if such is to come about.