I forgot to mention that it is very sad the obsession they have towards Symia, considering that years ago they know absolutely nothing about it. They don't even have a current picture, they don't even know where they currently live, nor are they sure if it's actually the one who manages Bandada, since the administrator absolutely erases all kinds of pornography and pharynate, which, I consider an excellent measure to scare apes and flaites.
What happens to you is that you need to find it because you want to know about it and you need to draw your attention. In that case, you're fucked because the mine is more hidden than Alonsito for the ball.

I don't want to defend her, in fact I always fell ill, but it's sad to read them year after year wanting to draw the attention of a poor, sad weona that already doesn't exist. For worse, they are showing that they are very new weons, because everything they want to demonstrate, already demonstrated in 2014-2016, almost 10 years ago.

They stop their webpage with their archaeological pharaoh, it was not relevant in 2015, but it will now be in 2024.