Though I do declare there is some cases where the weiners are jib jabbin their way into my cubby.Me and my plus-size goddess bff  Dorthy will get together and make pigs and a blankwet. Battered franks. One day Dorthy was reading this book by some lardass lawyer called John Decamp. I am like ok soul sista feed your noggin but do not let books tell you the sky is falling. I told that woman fake news was around back in the 80s because why else would people take their children out of daycares by the tens of thousands? So I thought this big and beautiful Dorthy gal would just make some pigs in the blanket for us to eat and talk poop about anyone who is not playing a role in life. Kept on ratteling on about the franks being covered up. Something about larry king and cnn. This ditzy bitch didnt know where she was. Before I almost had to clinch her trap shut she fucking went the extra mile and now is not my friend anymore. I do not hang out with the perveyours of filth. This woman to my suprise had not covered the franks at all! There where no pigs in the blanket. She actually brought that crazy book to my fucking house by that loverboy lawyer Decamp. It was called the Franklin cover up. I thought she was being playful about the meal we would have but she is wired reading this vintage fake news and I am here getting my dick sucked on the reg by a woman that knows her weight is the reason I am allowed to treat her like my  lubed up hand. I dick down these dames and I eat real sausage. I fucking eat it all and give no quarter to any of these bastards! I have been mentored by Joey Chesnut I know the hot dog game. I know it very well. I know it to the soggy buns that where dipped in water I am the bleiter-nom eating hards of mane and meat to get my fill! This aint the farm league you keep your head on a swivel or find yourself hannging on a hook. Shook and cured. Aight tho what about the hebrew nationals? I can fuck with a chub pack of hebrew nationals as long as they stop spinning like a dradel if you know what I mean. Beanie ball bearing babies we are the boomers you are the new cummers the liability. How do you spell liability? M i L L E N I A L.