> categories
> international
Many of the most popular boards have the flags enabled option, basically all of them are themed /int/ boards. We also have lots of foreign language boards, most of them I rather not to put onto the front page. But it is our prominent characteristic, having all these. So yes, embrace it.
Also these help to underline the service we provide as free speech site, since the rest of the world still has less of that.
> news and latest post
It's "latest threads" (on specified board) and "latest posts" (on all boards). And "latest images" (on all boards/on SFW boards). So the first one isn't really news specific, one can change it to any board. End - or imageboards in general - isn't really a news site providing the latest headlines either.
> eye of sauron type live-overboard
In itself the EoS is breddy gud, just like the latest images. However as noted before both can be flooded easily by a spammer. And what if End gains lots of new posters because of reasons? EoS will be too quick to pick of anything from it. Maybe with some tuning? With changing the format?
> oekaki board
Full oeakaki board sounds cool. One more feature that makes us different than other run-off-the-mill chans. Even if it won't see much use. The oekaki itself, personally I find it a bit uncomfortable to draw with.