format - board is missing in lookups: [b]
what we have [Array
    [0] => >>/b/25564/ 
    [1] => b
    [2] => 25564
    [3] =>  
format - thread is missing in lookups: [b][25564]
- Endchan Magrathea
thumbnail of fvebgr984984984894894616.jpg
thumbnail of fvebgr984984984894894616.jpg
fvebgr984984984894894... jpg
(26.84 KB, 400x400)
Yeah he's been hitting up /b/ too. He's just spams every thread that's in the front page

He has entire thread in here >>/b/25564 with him just talking to himself. It's been getting kinda excessive. He's been doing it for days