This year I'm finally completely clear of any board ownership or independent site operation responsibilities. Not to be a downer, but I'm seeing the system of western image-boards going the way of both the original dial-up BBSes and Usenet. I mean this in the "beginning of the end" sense, not something I just up and noticed. On a positive note, I want to thank you, Odilitime, for keeping the faith. Endchan is one of two remaining sites I participate on with any regularity in a meaningful way. Anyway, enough unsolicited drive-by commentary. 
> I'd like to reorganize the homepage:

> I'd like to re-arrange the categories. We're more of a international board, we should embrace that.

> I'd like to remove the news and latest posts section and replace with the eye of sauron type live-overboard that you can filter.

As long as the regular old-school manual refresh overboard remains. I could be claimed to be one of the amusingly titled: "Overboard Overlords," but that's how I experience the site. I'm not really a member of any one board anymore. The Eye of Sauron app was worth a test drive, yet I never used it more than once or twice.
> One idea could be an oekaki board in hopes to pull more artists in.

Fine. Don't expect any artist influx. I wouldn't expect any noticeable change at all, in fact. The oekaki browser technology was pretty cool once upon a time which helped (ahem) draw people in. Now it's just background noise. Won't hurt anything to add a dedicated board though.