fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[operate] - Endchan Magrathea
Now on our 6th Birthday, I propose a new look and feel for Endchan, called Magrathea (after our Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy naming theme). This is the WrongThink frontend software talking to a small translation daemon that talks to the official Endchan backend. This means you can read and post on Endchan with a new look and feel.

This is a flexible proposal. We want you to take a look, give us feedback, help our shape a potential direction of what Endchan could look like. How it could work better with less JS.

Also the glue daemon, I mentioned, gives us a new platform in which we can start to decentralize Endchan more, so each frontend server we have can rely less on the backend, making Endchan harder to take down by various attackers and detractors.

Magrathea is very rough and missing a lot of functionality, especially for BOs and moderators. They will continue to use the normal Lynxchan frontends to manage their boards.

We hope this proposal for modernizing Endchan is agreeable and we can negotiate how we can make this the future for Endchan. I hope we can get it to a place where more people prefer the new frontend over the old one and then we can phase out the old frontend.

Our development focus will be feature parity with the existing Endchan frontend and then the future is our oyster.

Also in 2022, I expected to be releasing an open-source cross-platform web browser that can be used for browsing our various imageboards which I plan to promote as the most private way to browse Endchan.

All these development efforts have been driven by feedback from our excellent administration staff, various supporters in our chats and social media, and finally our patrons and donators.

We stand to our commitment to free speech, and the hopes we had of what the Internet could be. We’re actively working on a better future for all of us.

tl;dr: new look and feel proposal for Endchan, old look and feel isn’t going away unless there’s a user-based consensus it should. And maybe a web browser.

stay frosty
< 3 odilitime 
