This is it, many, but more like A LOT! of TOR exit nodes are banned and you need to change IP to be able to post.

The other day I had to swtich TOR IP because it rejected saying you're banned for real spam and that's not because of BO banned the Ip because it was in my OWN B! so that was an IP banned GLOBALLY!

Besides individual Board Owners there appears to be some kind of GLOBAL ban of some TOR exit nodes for reasons besides the obvious CP many logs say spam but that can be kind of subjective what is exactly spam and according to whom, kind of like twitter hate speech 

So we're asking to remove global bans of TOR,  dynamic mobile, VPN and even home IPs for reasons that are not CP 

To be able to post this I had to switch IP again, because seems like some three letter agency used that IP to inject CP SPAM banned till 2 abril 2023 to Endchan to suppress free speech.

So mossad if you read this you can go drink poison no one will miss your big yid nose