Question: do you use Tor on our onion site, or you load a clearnet address of ours with your Tor browser?
I did some testing, starting from here:  >>/test/5630/
The first 8 posts are done with the Tor browser on our primary onion address.
Then I opened another tab, and loaded a clearnet address and posted there, resulting that South Korean post.
Then I posted again, now noting the nationality of the exit node.
From there I posted alternately on the onion site and on the clearnet frontend. With the clearnet, occasionally it was identified as if it wasn't a Tor post. On one occasion I got the ban message as well, I made the screenshot that it shows the clearnet address, and the availability of the onion site. No such thing happened when I stayed on our tor address.
So I suggest using Tor on either of our onion address. You can find those on our home page.