I wouldn't call it an incident. I genuinely wasn't sure about the claim, did not know if there was any communication with the board, what was BO's and users' opinion. We are kinda hesitant when it comes to the Russian boards, the older ones in the past expressed they don't need BOs, but it turned out it's better if the users had them, since on a legit claim we passed /rus/ to a user some years ago who was an outsider and exploited the situation. Also sometimes communication isn't the most clear. Since then a users claimed /rus/ and /bb/, and they take care of it.
I'm sorry if my straightforwardness caused alarm, or it seems not tactful enough, but at least now we know for sure, that on /bb/ the BO is active, and the users don't want other to take it over, and there was no talk about it beforehand.

As for the automatic board transfer:
1. Board transfers are done manually, and we don't check boards for unclaimed status basically ever. So automatic for technicality is not an option.
2. Personally I don't think automatic transfer is fair to a BO. I don't think a day or two slip in not logging in deserves the penalty of taking the board away. Especially in those cases where the users of the board are generally satisfied with the job their BO does. On the other hand, logging in and checking on the board is part of BOs job, so I really wish BOs would log in regularly.
3. If a BO wishes to designate a successor for whatever reason, and he can't transfer the board himself when he resigns from being the BO, we gladly make a note, and transfer the board when it is necessary. The designated heir should express his claim still.

To be honest this thing is a dilemma, because the "first come first serve" or the "first in first out" approach when handling board claims might be the most impartial approach. Keeps everyone on their feet and no personal bias can influence it, no favoritism. And maybe on a larger chan one should stick with it. On the other hand on Endchan we should try to help preserving communities, which should be permissiveness towards BOs keeping their boards.

So whatever a write here isn't set in stone for now.