If you don't like how things are run (too much moderation in /polru/ or too little in /po/), then create a new board and moderate it as you see fit. I predict that few if any posters will come there, but it's not the Admin's problem, it's your problem to invest your time and effort into making a good board. Admin just provides a platform to anyone willing to do so.
This is because they don't like political dissidents or drug users, and use our own methods (anonymity, VPNs, Tor, etc) against us. They also like to gloat and take great pride in subverting the same tools that were designed to avoid persecution. And it works so well specifically because those tools are so resilient at avoiding censorship. I don't think there's anything to be done here. You either have to endure constant spam (like half of /bb/ now consists of posts from one samefagging troll) or you disable anonymous posting and appoint a bunch of board volunteers who are all control-freaks a bit too trigger-happy with their banhammers (as they did in /polru/). If you think you can do better with a more balanced approach, then do it. I'll be the first one to come to your boards, and advertise relocation there, if you prove to be a good BO.