We read your suggestions and discussed them. It is very unlikely we'll implement it as part of the software. Perhaps not even on DoublePlus/WT/Magra.
And now what I can do, and my thoughts.
What I can offer is a poorly coded userscript for Greasmonkey and similar browser extensions. Well, "offer", when I get to it and write it. But for that to work one has to have the browser opened and logged in.
My main concern is that the flood can be done with different messages. They could flood with pro-Russian ones, but with perfectly normal but unrelated content too, just as with gibberish. Even with pro-Ukrainian messages can be used to choke a discussion. If one thing is "filtered" they just move to the next, and then in the end everything will be censored?
And this is an armament race. One side getting better will force the other to up his efforts. Aiming to achieve that everything is banned is a form of offensive.
Imageboards weren't designed for wartime discussions when the internet turns into real battlefield, perhaps even with the involvement of state actors. It was made for anime autists who shared a hobby and images.
What we do here on Endchan is keeping a platform open so anyone call tell anything they wish, and this is within the capabilities of an imageboard.
I agree a lot in here: >>/19241/ and coincides with some of what I wrote.