There's a guy in this  >>/11764/ thread who says he's a Serb and who spammed reports in /rus/ with "delete agatha2" because that board had CP or something. No idea why /rus/ was targeted, but he seems to speak Russian. I thought it was you, because of how unlikely it would be to simultaneously have two programmers, who are both interested in Russia, to complain about something on this board. 
If you aren't, I don't see how any of this belongs in /operate/. Each board is moderated as the board owner sees fit, admin has nothing to do with it. There's a "meta and moderation" thread on /polru/, you can complain there. But most people there don't care much about Linus or coding, and will think that the explosion was conventional, not nuclear. And if you hold pro-Putin/pro-invasion views, you'll quickly get banned and deleted anyway.