>  I thought it was you, because of how unlikely it would be to simultaneously have two programmers,
You're saying this while interacting on an image board written by programmers, which hosted /lv/ (libre vidya) years before /rus/ and /polru/. With a straight face.
>  who are both interested in Russia, to complain about something on this board. 
Russia is one of the few areas that still has actual programmers (C programming language etc).
> Linus Linux
again, you are saying this while using a site that runs on linux.
Seems you're new.

You're just a dumb person.
You hold the view that
1) Lawyers are dumb
2) Programmers are dumb
3) women are better than little girls
4) what the majority "think" is relevant or correct
5) an explosion miles away rising above the horizon into the stratosphere, 300 meters across (atleast), past a field, houses, a treeline, a lake, an island with another treeline, another lake, another treeline; and turning the night time into morning as a second sun; then as soon as it began blinking out to darkness; while having a gunshot sound as it's report...
is anything other than exactly what it looks like.