To whomever it concerns.
When users complain about board staff, there are many possibilities to what happened. From these possibilities two extremes are:
1. The user was malicious, spammed, flooded, posted illegal content, was a nuisance for other posters, made the board unusuable with repetitive autism, etc. finally he got a well deserved ban and delete, and now he complains here trying to stir up shit, or just continues to be unpleasant for someone else.
2. He was a model user, creating OC, adding valid opinions, did entertaining posts, etc. and he was banned and deleted totally unjustified due to moderator's tyranny.
Either way we can't and don't know the contents of the posts, we can't and don't know what happened. We can't do justice therefore we don't do justice.
In the logs I see moderation activity by "suigintou", I see a ban lift from not long ago so I can assume he is not unreasonable. I see large blocks of deletions from some days earlier, I don't know what was deleted, it is not rare board staff on other boards who delete many posts at once for some reason, so I don't see this as much of an irregularity to make it suspicious for me.
In any way we typically don't take away boards, and we can't demote board volunteers, only BO can do that.
What we do is ensure that users can open their own boards, and tell their sides of their story. Could be true, could be a lie, doesn't matter from our point of view.

As for ban reasons. It's not mandatory to fill it out. Users generally think that when they get banned the moderator gives a reason for the users, telling them what they did wrong. It's not a false opinion that "reason" works like this, but for example when I add a reason it's a note for me in case later I look at the logs to know what was the post. So it's not for the user to get information, but for me. But this is just my opinion. Some users think they are owed to get an explanation, they are wrong.
Ideally getting a feedback what we did wrong would be a good thing, because we could learn and develop, sure. Do users really want to learn from their mistakes? I doubt it. It would be also nice if a discourse can be opened, put forward arguments pro- and contra. But most disagreements are unsolvable, and frankly malicious users just want the moderator to waste his own time on these things.
Probably I'm wasting my own time right now to write all this.