cloudflare and captcha is sucks because it ruins comfortable posting and harm privacy

pro government spammers have more money and ip addresses than any user
so they will break through captcha anyway

users will suffer uncomfortable experience there because captcha

we need spam filtering with rules!

As i human i'm very upset looking at this useless fight with spammers there, on twitter and in western media.
You're really don't understand how to fuck spammers? You make everything worse. Because it's the goal of pro ruzzian spammers - make conversation difficult, uncomfortable and less rewarding. Like "fuck endchan, i'm gonna read something else".
We need to make this place beautiful and pleasant.
And every enemy should be hidden, muted, deleted with no worries of real users.
We need spam filter because spam is talking to pro ukrainian anon community and it supposed to be founded by pro ruzzian government terrorists.

Силовики сосите у начальства.