How about just stop all the "hurr durr" and discuss seriously?

I think the pedo guys have other places to go, don't need to be in endchan:

However, I think this became a automatic taboo to our society, like "pedo == no-no". This is idiot. If the being (girl or boy) want it, consent it and it's not hurting, just having pleasure, I can't see how this is wrong besides all the fuck heads that want to say what people can do and what not. For example: a 9yo kid is discovering her sexuality. She just tease a older boy (>18yo), wanting to do something. Note: *she* wants. If this boy (>18yo) actually do something and other people see it, this people can put this boy in jail, just because the girl wanted it. Do you think this is right? I'm sorry, I don't. Re-think your ideology guys, just think outside of all the doctrination that people teach you since you was a kid.

[ps: I'm not defending coersive pedo. Read again. The thing above is based on Non-agression principle: ]