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Okay, you haven't. Should've read one more line.
Still no idea why even go for this line of reasoning if you understand that it's irrelevant to what should be considered a proper behaviour.

Next thing: you assume evolutionary perspective as correct and it simply isn't. Evolutionary biology came about at a point when science's understanding of organic complexity was far lower than what we have today. Did you know that each cell is basically a factory full of nanomachines? Biologists didn't until recent years. The very idea of "simple organisms" falls out of the window right away. Evolution has a long history of wrongfully attributing relation to species that upon closer inquiry prove to be completely different. 

> Who know what is right and not? 
Moral issues are sometimes quite tangled I admit but here's an easy one: fucking children is wrong.

> they deriberately want to do
Children are fucking retards if you haven't noticed. They can be manipulated into wanting whatever.