> 2552

> I'll drop the biology because I can't tell if you're bullshitting me or not

Don't try to reduct ad absurdum or appeal to ridicule, this will not work here. I think you just don't have enough arguments about this topic.

> How would you expect a sexual act on child be perpetrated if not as abuse?

Sexual act is constituted by many things, not just penetration. Also, even on a 30yo virgin the first sex will hurt because of hymen. There's many ways to have a sexual act without hurting them; I'm not saying, again, that I defend infantophilia (&lt5yo)... people need to understand the classifications of this topic: there's 4 major divisions (by age) - infantophilia, pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia. I'm defending sexual act above 5 years old, *not* bellow it. I'm pretty sure that a children with >9 for example, can have sex without any physical damage (except the hymen, of course). [I have no data to confirm the last affirmation, though]

> You say children can experience "sexual" pleasure. I'll believe you on that.

You don't need to believe and I don't want you to. It's just logic. The nervous receptors on clitoris or penis is there since you born. It's not like you completed 18 years old and them, subtly, the being had the ability to feel pleasure. That's bullshit.

> You can't expect to gain consent to anything from someone that doesn't fucking understand the concept of what he/she is about to consent to for fuck's sake.

What age where you at this history? Less than 5yo? Then read the above.
A children with 9yo know *exactly* what is sex and I would bet that most of them (female and male) masturbate in bathroom. With the internet and all, they know what is it very young.

> that happens around the age of 10 in most cases

I don't think this data is correct. The "theory of mind" happen around age 3...

>  I'm afraid you won't be able to get any data in the future either because consensual sexual act on a pre-puberty child cannot exist

Don't exist because the law does not permit it, not because it's not consensual. And the law is wrong.