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> Don't try to reduct ad absurdum or appeal to ridicule
I'm not trying anything. I simply stated that my inadequate level of education on this topic does not allow me to verify your arguments in a more user friendly manner.

> A children with 9yo know *exactly* what is sex 
No they fucking don't. They're only beginning to learn and are at a phase they are extremely vulnerable a lot of mental fuckups can occur to follow them for the rest of their lives.

> Don't exist because the law does not permit it, not because it's not consensual. 
Person cannot consent to what he or she doesn't comprehend. 

> And the law is wrong.
No. It's not wrong. At least not in this case. Society won't conform to your fucked up ideas about sexuality.

It's really isn't complicated. Either you reach a certain age and you're considered adult responsible for your decision or you're a child and someone else makes decisions for you because you aren't experienced and developed enough and decisions you'd make are akin to putting fingers into an electric socket.

The age itself may vary a little but even if it's still better to wait few years regardless, especially when it comes to sex life which requires a lot more responsibility and emotional developement than average teen can muster.

PIDF, there's no way in hell things like that will fly. I can no longer sympathize with your fucked up condition when you yourself don't recognize it as a dangerous deviation but rather start advocating it as a normal and healthy thing.
Off yourself.