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Another week flew by but finally we are getting there with our PoW system. But making it work, and making it work effectively is a two different thing.
Developed tools to clearing up spam too. Tested it all week essentially. It catches false positives, and misses some real spam too. And while it's relatively easy to clear a board with it - in combination with the script posted above -, still have to make it better, and have to think of different approaches.

The flood is on relatively stable level, somewhere between 1500-2000 each day. Most is triggered by user activity, and one wave of flood in the evening (UTC) on several mostly unused boards which were relatively inactive by default, I guess those are the ones which aren't locked down.
Some boards are open, functioning, some are hidden.
If any BOs with inactive boards reads this: try opening a thread or two and allow users back. With the help of the script above it's easier to delete the flood.

Endchan was down for a while, as far as we know the database crashed. However Wrongthing was indeed DoS-ed on at least two occasions. Made the site unavailable.

We understand Magrathea has it's own shortcomings. One of the Anons created a userscript to add conveniences and fix some issues. It can be run with browser extensions such as Grease-/Tempermonkey and related.