those giant tits are stupid. if you're a pedo why not flat? i have a synthetic bitch but i'm not dumb enough to buy a child model. they're expensive but not as much as a woman.
> she never gets angry, never fights
> never pesters you to do things
> doesn't go mentally insane on her period, has no period
> fuck her any time you want
> grab anything you want
> fall asleep on top of her in her pussy, anus or mouth
> no shit on your dick or poop noodle
> no teeth
> eyelashes come off fast. no glue keeps them on
> eyebrows fade away, so does lipstick coloring
> fingers have shitty wires in them that stop bending and break
> toes too
> the vagina, mouth and anus wear away the more you fuck them
> she gets so filthy, there's no amount of bathing you can give her that gets rid of the dirt absorbed into her skin like a sponge
> they're heavy AF. not light at all
> the wigs are absolute shit. they come tangled. you can't comb a wig when it's tangled, removes much hair
pic related this is where I got mine from