Amazon is not immune to scammers. They also have differing levels of refunds. These range from: "I never received the package? Press button and GET ALL MONIES BACK INSTANTLY YAY!" to: "Send disputed package, at your own nonrefundable expense, to this mysterious third party address for our fraud investigation. We'll get back to you someday."

I've done both, and with a few more between. All of the products were things I could freely display and draw attention to in public tho. This stuff's a little riskier right?

For the least aggravation you want:

1) A provably domestic seller only. Just because they say "ship from" does not mean they are domestic in an sense.
2) Been in existence on Amazon for over a year, with actual sales volume and positive rep.

After eliminating sketchies, what you have left won't appear to be the best in price. You're paying more for hassle free. Low risk too but don't kid yourself. Buying a tube of lifesavers over the counter at a brick and mortar is not risk free. Even the decade long standing stellar reputation of "Big Bertha's Burger Haus and Surplus Porn Emporium of Walla Walla Washington--satisfaction guaranteed!" is not blemish free. Everyone screws the pooch on occasion.

Just sayin.