> phthalate?
I'm not a biochemist so I can't give you an authoritative answer. Nevertheless, here's my take.
If phthalates are a concern then it is a waste of time focusing on the sex toy industry. We are being drenched in phthalates via more prosaic forms of exposure, mostly from food and drink. Playing pretend sadistic scalie prison guard disciplinary cavity search with your dragon tongue dildo isn't going to significantly increase exposure while ignoring everything else.
Phthalates are also something of a red-herring. Most of this stuff comes from China, and we don't know anything about the manufacturing process, silicon or otherwise. This leads us back to the usual suspects. Mercury? Lead? What exactly is the internal skeleton of these dolls composed of? For a real touch of horror to spice up your degenerate activities, think about the paints.
There is no testing being done.
While I suggest domestic suppliers offer better odds on shipping, a domestic manufacture offers no better odds on safety. "It can't happen here!" means nothing. Again, no one safety tests any of this stuff.
As for my own self, given a suitable strap-on accessory I'm willing to safety test pic related for certain specific scenarios.