thumbnail of I'll take shit that never happened for 400, Alex.png
thumbnail of I'll take shit that never happened for 400, Alex.png
I'll take shit that... png
(309.57 KB, 1600x867)
Those are from your other browsing tabs. NoScript keeps a recent history of sites that it's blocked so you can unbreak the "dynamic" webshites that pull scripts in from approximately 2 gorillion third-party domains. We don't do any of that shit. The only third-party request you should see without clicking a YouTube embed link is a test file we try to pull in from https://end.chan/, an OpenNIC domain OdiliTime controls that shouldn't resolve to anything unless you get your DNS from an OpenNIC resolver. (Of course, if you do click on a YouTube embed, who knows what that fucker is going to pull in, so you do that at your own risk. That's why we cache the thumbnail from and make the widget click-to-load, so you can choose whether or not to take that risk.)